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Hello, I'm Pamela Lindsay.

I've been a property developer for 30+ years and have been fortunate enough to amass a property portfolio worth over 10 million pounds in property assets.

But I took the long route!

My Story


I was born in Hackney as the youngest child of 12 and I was fortunate to have the principles of hard work and ownership instilled in me as a child.

I bought my first property at the age of 19. However, I wasn't truly financially free. 

I bounced from job to job just to cover the basics.  

At the time I chose not to go to Uni (I would achieve my BA Honours in Economics later in life) as I didn't want to learn how to be a professional to work for someone else.

I wanted to be my own boss!

At the time the letting agents looked after my property while I was stuck working in a 9 to 5 and living at home.

Then I met my life partner Sean, and from that point things started to trend upwards, because I had a partner who shared my vision and complimented my strengths perfectly!

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We started our own flooring company which was our bid to be our own boss and foster the entrepreneurial spirit that both of us had burning within us. The business started to gain traction and replaced our income.  But it was still hard work.

It wasn't until we decided to go all-in on the property. Didn't things start to change.  

We knew we had to reduce our expenditure, so we decided to start managing the property ourselves.  

Taking control was truly a baptism in fire, but we learned so much in the trenches! 

Through hard work, lots of research, and doing the maintenance and renovations ourselves we understood the true value of a clear property strategy. scalable strategy tailored to our personal wealth and lifestyle goals. 

As a visionary type person, I knew where I wanted to get to, I just needed help getting to my destination which was financial freedom which is why we invested in knowledge.


Scaling Up

We learned the power of the BRRR model through implementation and made a lot of mistakes along the way.  However, we used the profits earned from the first property plus finance to acquire the second and third properties!  We were on our way to being proper developers!

We targeted Victorian semi’s in Islington.  By targeting fixer-uppers in desirable areas we knew that although the initial investment upfront would be costly, we were adding value to houses in areas historically that has always appreciated in terms of rental value and property value.

During this period we started networking. Networking events like this are fantastic because it helps you learn from others. But also you can start making key contacts that can help minimize cost effort and risk and brokers, building and maintenance contacts, kitchen and bathroom suppliers, etc.

In terms of strategy, we kept an eye on the market and noticed it was changing. Increasingly young professionals and students desired to live in places like Clerkenwell, Old Street.  

During the mid-90's there was nothing in these areas. No real communities, amenities. Maybe one supermarket, a worker's cafe.  People did not want to live there. This started to change from about 1997

So we looked for fixer-uppers in these locations, renovated, remodeled, and put them back on the market at a higher rental value, and were able to capitalize on a favourable rental market.

Gradually the strategy shifted to purchasing Victorian flat conversions and remodeling houses in increasingly more affluent areas.

The cash flow we were generating was great, but we weren't financially free yet!

We knew we needed to scale and master other specialist property models to bring in more cash flow, but we didn't know-how.

And after trying and failing we invested in specialist property training to diversify our knowledge and master property strategies for HMO's serviced accommodations and Commercial property.   

Having the knowledge was fantastic.  The difficult part is the implementation and this is where having the right network is so crucial.

By investing in the right knowledge and networking with the right people we have been able to successfully scale our property portfolio.

Through hands-on experience and learning from the many mistakes we've made along the way, financial freedom through property comes down to five core components:

1. The right mindset 

2. The right property strategy 

3. The right knowledge 

4. The right systems 

5. The right reinvestment execution.

How I can help you find freedom in property

I want to help you cut through all the noise and advice out there and help you become a successful property developer.  

My mission is to empower as many as possible through property!

To take action you need a tailored property strategy based on your unique situation and personality.

Having knowledge is all well and good. 

Gaining and applying the right knowledge is a game-changer.

Education alone isn't going to give you the financial freedom through the property you crave. 

Let's hack the process, learn from my mistakes and unlock the true potential you have to become an intelligent and savvy property investor.

I want to help you take action, leverage the network I've built up over the years, and implement it!

If I can become a successful property developer, so can you, and in a much quicker time!

Clarify your property and wealth goals 

Get clarity on your property goals with a consultation call with Pamela Lindsay

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